Solo show Lara Azul
Bauchhund Salonbar
Schudomastr. 38
Exhibition viewing: Mon/Thu/Thu 4pm to 7pm
Every Thursday at 4pm the gallery owner will guide you through the exhibition!
Or by personal appointment
via 56 82 89 31

Galerie Monica Ruppert
Bleichstr. 48
60313 Frankfurt am Main
Galerie Monica Ruppert is pleased to announce the group exhibition “KÖRPER-ANSICHTEN”. The exhibition brings together current artworks by 12 female artists who deal with representations of the female body, focusing on its contexts as a site of political, social, scientific and cultural constellations. The focus is on the overarching thematic question of the self-determination and autonomy of the female body. In other words, how do norms and expectations shape and form our perception of the female body and what influence do body cult and body design have on its visibility?
Galerie Mutter Fourage
Chausseestr. 15 A
14109 Berlin – Wannsee
Faith has a deep meaning and great significance in many cultures and religions. People believe in something or consider something to be true, believe in a higher power or deep spirituality.
In art, faith is made visible in its diversity and contradictions, which can help to strengthen and deepen faith, but also to question and criticize it, because faith can also serve as a reason for conflicts and wars, as history has taught us.
Marc Chagall | Georges Braque | Arthur Degner | Joachim Dunkel | Slawomir Elsner | Philipp Franck | Miki Gamzou | Herbert Garbe | GODsDOGs | Anton Henning | Peter Herrmann | Halina Hildebrand | John Isaacs | Beza von Jacobs | Svitlana Karunska | Thorsten Alexander Kasper | Thomas Klingenstein | Christopher Lehmpfuhl | Max Liebermann | Erik Mai | Tanja Nittka | Römer + Römer | Serhiy Savchenko | Hans Scheib und weitere Künstler

Curated by Dr. des. Anne Simone Kiesiel and Lea Heine. Works by Lara Azul, GODsDOGs, Thomas Klingenstein, Cornelia Renz, Gerenot Richter and Saralisa Volm.
The exhibition Traum[a]land invites you on a journey into the subconscious. The exhibition juxtaposes the concept of the dream, which has been overused in recent times, with a poetic visualization of the unsaid and often unspeakable. The works on display by Lara Azul, GODsDOGs, Thomas Klingenstein, Gerenot Richter, Cornelia Renz and Saralisa Volm take visitors on a visually fascinating, surreal world between dream and trauma.
Traum[a]land leads through a multimedia landscape on the upper floor of Schloss Biesdorf - with hanging sculptures, backlit banners, walk-in installations, videos, paintings, etchings and photographs.
15 – 25 September 2022
“Idling in Time” is an exhibition within an exhibition.
Is time really linear? Questions about artistic development are raised on the basis of the artists' first works or early works: A journey through time with surprising interfaces. Lara Azul shows the photographic work “Claire tourneé - bending light”.
The exhibition can be seen in an experimental space by artist and curator Ann Schomburg within the exhibition “On Equal Terms”:
Information on visiting and opening hours:

30. January – 12 March 2022
Kunstverein Hoher Fläming
Wittenbergerstraße 14
Bad Belzig
Curated by Britta Adler and Halina Hildebrand. Can the Garden of Eden evolve? Is our idea of paradise changeable? What does heavenly bliss mean for us here & now?
The ten international artists show sensual, conceptual, poetic and philosophical works in various media: painting, photography, graphics and sculpture. At the beginning of the year, they invite us to ask what our paradisiacal goal is that lights the way for us.
Art historical classification: Surprisingly, the Bible does not give a detailed description of the Garden of Eden in the creation story: “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden eastward, and put there the man whom he had made. And the Lord God caused to grow out of the ground all kinds of trees, pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And out of Eden goes a river to water the garden, and from there it divides into four main branches.” [Genesis 2:8-10 Luther translation]
In Western iconography, the image of the Garden of Eden has been shaped and defined by the story of the temptation of Adam and Eve. Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights, Albrecht Dürer's depiction of Adam and Eve and Masaccio's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden are just a few of the many examples. There are countless other depictions of this popular subject, but they are surprisingly similar. The illustration of the Garden of Eden has not changed much over the centuries.
Here and Today
This exhibition presents contemporary interpretations of the theme of the changing Garden of Eden, which question traditional religious symbolism and traditional gender stereotypes, among other things.
Evolving Eden” is therefore not about religious ideas of the kingdom of heaven, and not even about spirituality, but rather about paradise as a philosophical concept, in the sense of a goal for our wishes and desires. The idea of the ultimate ideal world that man strives for. What is our idea of “paradisiacal”? What gives us bliss and fulfillment?
A good 20 years ago, the desire and aspiration of many people was the much-vaunted “blossoming landscapes” and the economic upturn in both East and West. Today - in the face of climate change - paradise on earth is no longer a land of milk and honey, but for many people the pursuit of inner wealth and more sustainable consumption seems to be more important.
Beyond Belief
18.September – 21. November 2021
Heidenstr. 54
10557 Berlin
Curated by Britta Adler. 44 artists from 17 countries ask what spirituality means beyond faith today. Across 500 square meters, they present paintings, sculptures, photographs and installations that take a sensual, critical or interactive artistic approach to the forms of contemporary and earlier waves of spirituality.
New spirituality - a phenomenon that seems to be spreading more and more in recent years: yoga, meditation, mindfulness, becoming one with the universe and much more.
The Beyond Belief exhibition, which is currently being planned, will show works from the second wave of spirituality, such as those by Joseph Beuys, Georges Braque and Mary Bauermeister. In addition to contemporary works on this theme, their transcendence in general will also be highlighted. The curator, Britta Adler, is interested in the metamorphosis of spiritual concepts of traditional belief systems into contemporary manifestations of (new) spirituality.

17. April – 27. June 2021
Weiße Villa – Exhibition in two phases : Lara Azul & GODsDOGs
What the beauty of mathematics has to do with fluorescent forest images and psychosocial sustainability.
Fractals describe complex structures and form the DNA of nature. As artist Lara Azul, Britta Adler has been fascinated for many years by the formulas of mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and the inherent principle of self-similarity (e.g. visible in the branches of a tree, in which a twig is structured like a branch and the branch is a miniature version of the tree). Deeply rooted in mythology, she also transfers this phenomenon to sociological and philosophical principles and creates sometimes beautiful, sometimes frightening works of art that oscillate between poetry and psychology.
In the first phase of the exhibition Die Seele schwingt fraktal in the Weißen Villa in Joachimsthal near Berlin features artistic creations by Lara Azul in combination with works by the duo GODsDOGs, which Lara has curated as a framework for her own installations. The artist duo's magical illuminated banners show colorful forest images that reveal the fractal structure of trees and nature in poetic beauty. After the past year, the much-needed “good vibrations” set in all by themselves, as the mathematical principle of so-called roughness in the corresponding factor has a relaxing effect on our brain and heart, which also have a fractal structure.